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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mark Suits taste tested our latest...

Thursday January 8, 2009
Taste test - Kenmount Road Chocolate Stout

Kenmount Road Chocolate Stout
Amber's Brewing
5.6 % alcohol, 341 ml bottles, twist-off cap

You would be a happy beer lover on Christmas Day if you found this fine brew under the tree.

The beer pours very dark brown to black with a medium density foamy brown head.

The aroma is a mellow collection of roasted malt and chocolate with a hit of coffee smokiness.

Initially the taste is sweet, giving way to a bitterness that disolves into malty, molasses elemets which fade to a lingering finish with a bit more chocolate and roastiness.

As I said before this is a fine brew, very smooth with certain creaminess.

Something not to be overlooked with the beer is that it's brewed right here in Edmonton. I believe beer lovers should try to support our local brewers. Also, beer vendors (bars and stores) should be making the local brews available.
