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Thursday, September 23, 2010


Every hoser’s nightmare

The U.S. microbrew industry is on the rise, eclipsing Canada’s not just in size, but taste, too
by Stephanie Findlay on Thursday, September 16, 2010 12:00pm - 1 Comment

Morry Gash/AP/CP

Canadians may not be quite the beer connoisseurs we make ourselves out to be. The most popular place to sample some of the tastiest new ales? America (former land of the watery beer). The craft beer market has been growing steadily in Canada and the U.S., but south of the border is where it’s really booming. According to the Brewers Association, 1,595 craft breweries were in operation last year in the U.S., the highest total since before Prohibition.

“In terms of flavour, Canadian beer is not as avant-garde as the States,” says Ian Coutts, author of Brew North, a new book chronicling Canada’s beer history. Coutts says that Americans are more daring with the flavours they use and their production processes. However, he says the adoption of American craft beer isn’t just about the taste. Population density is another factor that favours U.S. microbrewers. “If you have a micro in a place like California, you have 35 million people within a day’s truck ride of your brewery,” says Coutts.

But John Bowden, executive director of the first annual Toronto Beer Week, says that population aside, there have been two other factors that have stunted the industry’s growth in Canada. First, there are more restrictive distribution channels compared to the United States, and, second, provinces didn’t give special tax cuts or grants to help fund the industry until recently. Yet things are changing now that consumers are demanding more local products. Bowden, who also works in sales and marketing at the Great Lakes Brewery in Toronto, says that craft beer is “by far the fastest-growing alcohol beverage segment.” In the last year, Great Lakes’ sales shot up 40 per cent, he says.

As for the first Toronto Beer Week—to be held late September—Bowden says, “I don’t think even a couple of years ago we would have been able to pull something like this off.” Successful craft beer festivals have also been held in Montreal and Vancouver. The only question is, will Canadians be able to swallow the fact that American brew is the real winner?
Tags: beer, Brewers Association, microbrewers

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Micro brew-ha-ha part 2
By Mark Suits Sat, Sep 4 2010 COMMENTS(4) On Tap

Now that Edmonton beer-lovers are all riled up over the Liquor Depot vs. Big Rock dispute, let's take a look at how easy or hard it is to pick up or sip Edmonton-brewed beer right here in Edmonton.

My experience has been that it's not always easy to find an Edmonton-brewed beer in Edmonton. If you are eating at a restaurant it is almost impossible to sip one of the many fine beers brewed in Edmonton or other craft beers. Compared to other cities I have recently visited the situation in Edmonton is quite shameful.

In San Fransisco for example everywhere we went that sold beer had iconic local brew Anchor Steam available. This included restaurants, pubs and the ritzy Top of the Mark. We just got back from southern California and sipping a local brew no problem. At the Los Angeles Angels baseball game many local and craft brews were on tap and this is the land of Bud Light. Rexall Place, more probably the Oilers, could take a page out of their book and offer hockey fans a chance to sample the local brews. Surely out of all the many beer taps at Rexall there could be a few for the locals. The same could be said for Edmonton cultural venue's as well. Recently at the Winspear, I had an intermission bev and was able to sip a craft brew, but it was from B.C. There were no Edmonton beers.

As I said this situation is shameful. Edmonton endeavours that want and receive local support should do the same and support Edmonton brewers.

Beer lovers can also support their local breweries by drinking local, the beer is fresher and it has a smaller carbon footprint because it hasn't been shipped across the country or from further away.

If your local watering hole, restaurant or beer store doesn't have the Edmonton brand you're looking for, ask them to stock it.

Soon I will be putting together and Edmonton Beer Map with locations the offer Edmonton beers. Stay tuned and in the meantime drink local.
