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Thursday, July 31, 2008

We were picked on CBC radio's "Wine of the week"

Wine pick for July 31, 2008 (Runs 4:37)Our wine columnist Gurvinder Bhatia is departing from his usual practice and recommending a beer. This one comes from an Edmonton brewery. It's Amber's Sap Vampire Maple Lager, $12.99 for a pack of 6.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Graham Hicks From the Edmonton Sun, July 20, 2008

SIP! echoes Taste of Edmonton, with a difference.
In a quiet corner of Hall A during Capital EX, its emphasis is on speciality appetizers (pricey at $5 each) developed by Northlands' flourishing kitchen, and samplings ($2 per mini-glass) of a broad range of unusual alcoholic beverages.
At Art of Conversation XXVII on Thursday evening, the beer hunter in Hicks on Six emerged.
Best of this show was Amber Brewery's Australian Mountain Pepper Lager, a brew Jim Gibbon makes in town with a tarty touch and a delightful after-bite.
Runners-up, the American Great White beer saved by the Sherbrooke Liquor Store for its beer club members, and Black Velvet - half Guinness, half champagne.
The appetizers were superb, beef, lamb, and legume fusion dishes, matched to sauces and veggie garnishes.
Great desserts too, I was told. I didn't try them. Dessert doesn't go well with beer.
Hicks (hic) on Six did not drive home!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Here is the video of space cowboy setting the record...

Here is the original

Were are the official beer of the "Edmonton Street Performers Festival"

And, as a result a WORLD RECORD was set with OUR KEGS!!!!!!

Space Cowboy lifted a record weight (4 kegs) with a sword in his throat...

Here is a picture

Here is the picture in situ from the site: