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Saturday, September 23, 2006

2 coincidences

Both of these are from 2 weeks ago but we had some web issues so we are backtracking a bit

First, we had two new stores pick us up:
Hinton Liquor Store 125 JASPER Street, Hinton
Wines & Spirits Warehouse 11452 JASPER Ave, Edmonton
Thanks so much to all involved for picking up the line. Did you notice... two new stores... both on Jasper.... (ok not a super coincidence but kind of neat)

While visiting the Reynolds Alberta Museum ( to see the history of the motorcycle we stumbled upon this photo, sort of the centerpeice for the exibit.

Now look at this one. One of ours that was earmarked for use on phase 2 of the website...

Judging by the men in the picture (the Edmonton Motorcycle club in 1929) these picture were taken just seconds apart...

That's a coincidence...