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Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well, I hope you’re proud of yourself, internet. I’m sure you all think you’re very clever for keeping the R U Amber contest from Amber’s Brewing Company off the radar and away from me, in the hopes that you get to claim what brewery owner Jim Gibbon calls “the best August in history” for yourselves. But I’m on to you. And I’m not mad. Mostly just disappointed.
(In the interest of full disclosure, I feel like I should tell you that I would probably take a bullet for the folks at Amber’s, not because I know any of them AT ALL, but because they are David Adjey-style VISIONARIES who combined two of my favorite things – maple syrup and beer – to create another of my favorite things: their Sap Vampire Maple Lager.)
So anyway, the deal with Amber’s web centric contest is this: you have to create something, anything that shows why you embody the spirit of Amber, the fetching, free-spirited, motorbike-riding gal featured on the contest site’s main page. Then, make a video of your creation and submit it via either email or by uploading to youtube. If your entry is deemed best, you win a bevy of local prizes: your face featured on a limited run of Amber’s Pale Ale, dinners from Fife n Dekel, Koutouki, Culina, and Skinny Legs and Cowgirls, tickets to the Theatre Network and the Varscona, two month use of a scooter from Top Gear, two dozen cupcakes from Flirt Cupcakes, a cut, colour and products from The Beauty Parlour – and so many more local prizes, we couldn’t possibly list them all here. Check the website for details - and yes, one winner will get everything listed.