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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mark Suits taste tested our latest...

Thursday January 8, 2009
Taste test - Kenmount Road Chocolate Stout

Kenmount Road Chocolate Stout
Amber's Brewing
5.6 % alcohol, 341 ml bottles, twist-off cap

You would be a happy beer lover on Christmas Day if you found this fine brew under the tree.

The beer pours very dark brown to black with a medium density foamy brown head.

The aroma is a mellow collection of roasted malt and chocolate with a hit of coffee smokiness.

Initially the taste is sweet, giving way to a bitterness that disolves into malty, molasses elemets which fade to a lingering finish with a bit more chocolate and roastiness.

As I said before this is a fine brew, very smooth with certain creaminess.

Something not to be overlooked with the beer is that it's brewed right here in Edmonton. I believe beer lovers should try to support our local brewers. Also, beer vendors (bars and stores) should be making the local brews available.


Friday, December 12, 2008

We were on CBC Edmonton AM about our Green Plan...

Here is the interview...

Friday, December 05, 2008

Graham Hicks mentioned us in the Sun again...


Good news for Jim Gibbon's Amber's Brewing.

The Liquor Barn and Liquor Depot chain will carry the Old Strathcona micro-brewery's Bub's Lunch Pail Ale.

The biggest problem any microbrewery faces is placing product into more than just a few speciality beer stores. Amber's offers some five outstanding beers, including a chocolate stout for Christmas. All are available at the brewery door, 9926 78 Avenue."

Here is the original